Gracious Women

Gracious Women

Protect Your Screen

That’s how some women have lost their husbands through carelessness. You couldn’t protect him with your words, you couldn’t protect him with your actions, you couldn’t protect him with your prayers. You couldn’t protect him in GOD.

Gracious Women

The Trail of Broken Bottles

Of the people you meet daily, you do not know where your help will come from tomorrow, so, if you had treated them with a terrible temper when you couldn’t help your mood, you may have left them with a face to remember for bad, forever.

Gracious Women

The Bond

Watch your children give you joy and peace as all these are fulfilled.
They will listen and understand you when you speak.
They will be free to discuss anything with you.
Your presence and words will be cherished all their days.

Gracious Women

They are Humans

Have you ever been misunderstood, embarrassed, insulted, shouted at or judged wrongly? If you have, please, how did you feel?
The exact way you felt when the above is meted out to you that’s how your kids feel too.

Gracious Women

My Husband and My Husband

Tony had just left for work with Treasure, our daughter who he would drop at school. I went into the bedroom, paced up for a while trying to figure out what was happening. Soon I knelt beside my bed and sincerely made some prayers to God. I explained the emptiness I felt and asked him to take control of my family.

Gracious Women

When God Sleeps

As you hope, God wants you to continue to persist. As you persist in hope, request He grants you your needs if what you’ve asked is a want that is not needed.

Gracious Women

To the Scarred

I looked up at her and her smile broadened, making her stunningly beautiful. There was no way I wouldn’t ask how she got the scar. She explained how she was terribly burned at a tender age, and how her parents were advised to discard her, as she was smelling and dead already.

Gracious Women

Roses Will Bloom Again

If only you knew that these tears now are part of your Maker’s cleansing essence. They flow into the heart, gather your sorrows and let them out through the eyes. That way, you see a brighter tomorrow. Just like the way a garden looks after the rain.

Gracious Women

Burn That Fat

Ask those who have lost or in the process of losing body fat what their journey was/is like. None of them wished to be fit and folded their arms eating all the junks and sleeping for hours. They worked towards it physically.

Gracious Women

Yes, You Can Too

Don’t forget Ruth was also grieving for the loss of her husband, she had the opportunity to return to her father’s house, to start a new life but she put her own burden aside to help bear another’s burden. What a gracious woman she was!

Gracious Women

Please Make Up

Makeup beautifies any woman and makes her graceful. It takes her before any great man. Her presence with makeup can give life to a dead environment. With her makeup on she can influence her husband, kids and anyone around her.

Gracious Women

Isolate Your Fears Not Yourself

Shame, disappointment, fear took an upper hand in his life. He looked more at what the set-back could offer and ignore what he could achieve. He allowed the set-back deprive him of joy and wonderful people. Although, one good thing that the set-back achieved was to break pride in him.

Gracious Women

Different Shades of Glory

When the most delicate creature (woman) loses this focus, a lot begins to breed in the home. A different person comes up, and her actions automatically get transformed by simply not aligning with the source of true glory.

Gracious Women

The Comfortable Bed of Destruction

Imagine when you are sentenced to death for comfort, that is what you do when you always try to excuse your faults and mistakes instead of addressing them. Worst of all, it’s a slow and painful death, in the guise of comfort and safety.

Gracious Women

You Can Heal

It is said that life is 20% what happens to you and 80% what happens in you(that is, your reaction to what happens to you). So if you are hurting because of how life is treating you, you can heal, by yourself and for yourself. How?

Gracious Women

You’re Starving Her

Children learn more not by telling them to do a thing, but by watching you do the same or opposite. Your actions speak more volume than your words. If you don’t have much of God to feed your kids with, then, be prepared they’ll eat from another source.

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