Gracious Women

Featured, Gracious Women, Life Experiences, TeenSpace

Anger; The Way Out. Part 2

After creating humans, God gave them a great treasure called the WILL, He also gave them the POWER To control that WILL. The ability to decide to do or not to do a thing. The devil is aware of this. So what he does, is that he manipulates the minds of his victims by injecting defeat and slavery into it. He rejoices when he knows and sees you’re his captive.

Gracious Women, Life Experiences, TeenSpace

Anger; The Way Out. Part 1

I remembered when I was below 10years of age, one of my elder brothers offended me. I can’t actually remember what caused the offence and the spirit of anger as usual empowered me and the next thing I did was to rush out for a knife. I don’t know if I was to use the knife on myself or on my brother.

Featured, Gracious Women

The Beast

Have you ever done or said something in anger or do you know any who has taken an action while angry?
What happens afterwards?
Nothing but Regrets! Regrets! Regrets!

Family, Featured, Gracious Women, TeenSpace

Marriage Is For Sharers

Most marriages are shattered because of a continuous practice of selfishness and a lot of
young people are unaware of this deadly disease.
Selfishness is rude and deadly. It breeds ingratitude, prioritises oneself, doesn’t accept
mistakes, lack of understanding, taking all decisions by themselves, hurt, disrespect and

Gracious Women, TeenSpace


When we are not careful to keep track of all the things, we lose our minds.They sit in our mind and occupy the spaces making it difficult for us to find out what really matters to us.
When we keep all kinds of things in our mind we spread ourselves too thin that we spend less time with what actually matters to us.

Featured, Gracious Women, TeenSpace

In His Will ( Note To Singles)

If you are a person of purpose and you go as far as finding a life partner who has little or no connection with your purpose, thinking to intimate him/her when the time comes, then you haven’t any vision attached to your purpose. Why? If the goal is not met, of what use is the purpose?

Gracious Women, TeenSpace

God Knows The Way.

God is bound to a certain level of abstinence by His words and principles and so must be given access to certain levels of control in order to take full control. This is to say we must consciously invite Him into our decision making and yield to Him completely trusting that whatever He decides is best for us. No second-guessing it.

Gracious Women, TeenSpace

Prophecies Or Coincidences?

Isaac was a seed of prophecy and had prophecies that went out before he was born. He lived out prophecies accordingly.
Jacob wasn’t an exception as well as John the Baptist. From the birth of John, everything he did was in accordance with the prophecies that went on before his birth.

Gracious Women, TeenSpace

Flock Or Family?

When we make choices out of our physical sight instead of our faith in God and in His revealed mind to/for us, for the benefit of our flock instead of family, for the benefit of our pride, instead of integrity, for the benefit of our flesh instead of our soul, we inadvertently bear the consequences of our choices, which usually turns out to be bitter experiences.

Gracious Women

The Place Of The Least.

The woman is supposedly the least of God’s creation; in the order of creation, she is God’s last born creation) but to her is given the ability to make, build and preserve generations.
It is in her to build her empire and set it on high.

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