Job’s Wife
When a woman cannot connect to the source of her help, the power flow is cut off leaving the man and the home and the children stranded at the most critical times of their lives.
When a woman cannot connect to the source of her help, the power flow is cut off leaving the man and the home and the children stranded at the most critical times of their lives.
Instant results in the crucible of change are like the dazzling of lightning in a storm, it is very transient or invariably absent.
We need to leave sin, We need to leave self, We need to leave Satan
Do you want to cast a love shadow? Draw close to the one who is Love Himself.
Do you want to cast a shadow of the gospel? Draw close to Jesus.
A man of integrity even when faced with challenges sticks to his values no matter what.
As you are examining those around you to make sure they aren’t causing your storm, examine yourself to be sure you aren’t causing their either, because, just as their actions can affect your destination, so yours can affect theirs.
Your companionship is a ‘ship’
Your relationship is also a ‘ship’
Your friendship is also a ‘ship’
The quality of your ship determines how far you can go on the sea of life.
You may be the last in your space, be it family, workplace, school, etc. But as you can see your present position in the scheme of things doesn’t really matter, what matters is your position in the alignment protocols of heavens.
Overall, in forgiving, you are doing to yourself more good than you are to the offender. Not forgiving is like drinking a poison and expecting the other person to die from it.
Forgiveness is an evidence of growth and maturity because it is a product of understanding. One of the evidence of growth is change in cognitive ability that is change in how you see things; your perspective.
The act of forgiving others attracts forgiveness when you need it because forgiveness attracts forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not denying or ignoring the reality of the offence; in order to forgive, you must acknowledge the hurt and negative feeling before you can let go of it. So living in denial of an offence is not really forgiveness.
PRAYER I am guilty, Dear Lord. Thank you for saving me from this mess that would have taken the totality
We can only change for the good by sincerely looking inward and admitting we need a change, and working towards the desired change.
So dear Christian, it is a failure of duty is around you the light of the gospel is not spread. No Christian was born to be idle because God has placed in us diverse skills to spread this light. They might differ with people, find yours, tap into it and and let God use it.
In the place of prayer your confidence is built, faith is watered, hope springs and strength is renewed.
An undeniable attribute of the sheep is humility. If anyone must be a sheep trusting God to lead him through life’s journey, he must be humble to the process.
JESUS CHRIST Address: Right Hand of the Majesty on high Mobile: Prayer E-mail: Personal Profile Statement An
Dear gracious woman who knows whether you are called for such a time as this.
Save your generations on your knees.
Behind every suffering is a pathway for glory, in fact most of your glory has to go through that road of suffering.
While suffering, you lose a lot and its expected that you become way better off after that, but if you can’t spot your map to glory during that storm of suffering, it will be another loss… Don’t lose twice please.
God watched how faithful Job was to Him even in his sufferings. It was indeed proven to the devil that Job loved the Lord.
If it be his will that we pass through those moments then be assured that it will work out a more exceeding weight of glory. You have his promise when your patience is fulfilled (Heb. 10:36).
No suffering at any time is pleasant. Suffering is always an experience of pain, distress, hardship. Suffering differs. People experience Suffering physically, spiritually, psychologically etc.
I had no choice than to agree with her because tracing steps one took is like counting all the work you put in to achieve it. The place of grace then is defeated. God must be your number one attributee in any success story.