The Place of God in Every Storyline

Sometime back I listened to a young woman speak and she was asked how she attained that height of success, this was her reply “Any day you’re able to trace how you arrived at your success point, you have taken the glory of God”.

I had no choice than to agree with her because tracing steps one took is like counting all the work you put in to achieve it. The place of grace then is defeated. God must be your number one attributee in any success story.

Today, people out of ignorance have shared or rather taken the place of God’s glory.

Irrespective of the feats achieved in life, humble yourself!

One of the ways to measure true humility is how much you acknowledge the input of God in achieving your success.

It’s not a case of what you’ve achieved but how much of God is in it.

It is usual with men to seek the applause or praise of others especially with achievements but a humble heart knows the place of grace in every story line.

The cases of the bible King Nebuchadnezzar and his son (Daniel 5) are perfect examples for us. They never acknowledged God but the works of their hands. Daniel on his own part wouldn’t take that glory but immediately returned it to God (Daniel 2:27-28).

Humility is not an attribute of the poor as believed. Of course great people have a track record of humility.

Know this, the purpose of your honor is to reveal Christ, not yourself.

Humility is an attribute of Christ.

Philippians 2:8 KJV

And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

If Jesus hadn’t humility there wouldn’t be the redemption story today. His humility saved a world, preserved a remnant and secured our eternity.

Humility comes with a definite honor. The rewards for humility are but not limited to

Exaltation (Matthew 23:12, Luke 14:11; 18:14, James 4:10, 1Peter 5:6) and

Grace (James 4:6, 1Peter 5:5).

Never trivialize the input of God in your life.

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