Who Is With You

After the creation of man, God in his infinite and all encompassing knowledge and wisdom, saw that “it was not good for a man to be alone“.

When we  investigate the attributes of the personality that concluded that it was not good for a man to be alone, we will discover that He is Omniscient (meaning all-knowing), having the inherent ability to know all things, and the ability to know the end from the beginning.

On the basis of His extreme eternal foresight, and having the ability to see into time and beyond time, (because He is the timeless being who created time),  He gave the modus operandi of how man is designed to execute his Divine purpose. It is not good for A man (or woman) to be alone.

If a man (or woman) will fulfil his Divine Order, and live according to his/her Divine purpose, then He/She must not engage in that enterprise in isolation.

The question therefore is, ” Who is with you?”.

Your success in life and in eternity depends largely on your companion(s).

Most times the first step to success is to disconnect from old companionships, relationships, friendships, and establish new ones because,

Your companionship is a ‘ship’

Your relationship is also a ‘ship’

Your friendship is also a ‘ship’.

The quality of your ship determines how far you can go on the sea of life.

Also, The quality of the person inside your ship, determines what type of storm you can survive.

A Jonah in your ship will attract heavy storms and tempest to your ship, but

A Jesus in your ship, will calm the storms and tempest that have bedevilled your existence. Jesus with you, will give you the capacity to walk on the storm and the tempest.

God has already made Himself available to partner with us, that is why He sent His only begotten Son, and called His name IMMANUEL, meaning God with Us.

God wants to be with us, Do we want to be with God?

Who is with you in your ship or who are you planning to bring along with you in this ship?

Whether single or married, your divine order cannot be accomplished in isolation!!!!

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