Author name: Gracious Women


The Pleasure That Pains

You desire to be a marine engineer, lawyer, fashion designer, nurse, architect, a business tycoon and so on but you still meddle with frivolities. You still hang out with those friends that don’t study. All they love doing is to go here and there, get the latest fashion and gadgets, gossip, interested in the opposite sex.

Gracious Women

Isolate Your Fears Not Yourself

Shame, disappointment, fear took an upper hand in his life. He looked more at what the set-back could offer and ignore what he could achieve. He allowed the set-back deprive him of joy and wonderful people. Although, one good thing that the set-back achieved was to break pride in him.


Building Your Ark

Build yourself with God’s given specification, else you will only know how others are building theirs, and you’ll keep talking about their building that is never your business.


Distinguished or Undistinguished

He made so much wealth but never cared about others. Always rude to his workers; despised anyone who came across him and sadly, didn’t regard God. Today, here he is without a single honor, credit or distinction to his over six decades of life.

Gracious Women

Different Shades of Glory

When the most delicate creature (woman) loses this focus, a lot begins to breed in the home. A different person comes up, and her actions automatically get transformed by simply not aligning with the source of true glory.


The God I Knew

I used to hear him speak love, calmness, peace, comfort and joy to my soul, but now His voice is so mute and I so deaf to hear a thing. Could God have abandoned me now that I need him the most? But he warned me severally and I was adamant countless times. He kept pleading and I kept ignoring. I became familiar with His voice that it felt usual to hear him.

Gracious Women

The Comfortable Bed of Destruction

Imagine when you are sentenced to death for comfort, that is what you do when you always try to excuse your faults and mistakes instead of addressing them. Worst of all, it’s a slow and painful death, in the guise of comfort and safety.

Gracious Women

You Can Heal

It is said that life is 20% what happens to you and 80% what happens in you(that is, your reaction to what happens to you). So if you are hurting because of how life is treating you, you can heal, by yourself and for yourself. How?


I am Love

Everyone needs me because I am the ultimate in life. But only a few understand me. I don’t want you to make the same mistake. So I have come to tell you about me.


Arrows in His Quiver

David was 17 years old when he was anointed by Samuel as a king. Let me bust your bubble. Before he was anointed as king, he was found doing something. He became an expert in shepherding his father’s sheep. He was doing that judiciously. Can I tell you something? David already knew God at that time. You ask me how I know that? Well the Bible made us know that secret.


5th August, 2020 | Today’s Prayer

Dearest Lord, make me know the mystery of Your will in my life as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, leader, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law n-law , child of the ministry, student, scholar, above all as Your child.

Gracious Women

You’re Starving Her

Children learn more not by telling them to do a thing, but by watching you do the same or opposite. Your actions speak more volume than your words. If you don’t have much of God to feed your kids with, then, be prepared they’ll eat from another source.

Gracious Women

New Dawn. A Scam.

ou can not discover your God given potentials if you don’t seek to know. And how can you seek to know without having an intimate relationship with GOD that can change your life forever?

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