Building Your Ark

Oftentimes we are more concerned and carried away by what is going on in other peoples life than ours. Sometimes we really want to know not because we care but for gossip sake.

Other times we are hired by others to build their ark. You get busy with others forgetting yourself.

Now listen, you are an ark. Yes! You read that right. You are a building that needs to be completed before the rainy day comes.

Build yourself with God’s given specification, else you will only know how others are building theirs, and you’ll keep talking about their building that is never your business.

You are the ark. In you lie kings and queens. In you lie great nations.

Building this ark(You) means knowing the right materials and specifications. Don’t forget when building, be careful. Do not borrow or claim another’s design or material. Stick to your materials and design.

The first material needed for the ark is salvation. Without this major material, the ark will certainly sink when the flood comes.


Salvation is the process of being rid of the bad character and becoming improved.

Romans 3: 23, for all have sinned and fallen short of His glory.

“All” have sinned as clearly stated in the Holy Bible. We were all born with the nature of sin. No exemption.

You know those bad characters in you. Why not get rid of them. They could be lies, stubbornness, anger, disrespect, laziness, pride, sexual immorality, arrogance, ignorance (feeling that you know it all).

These characters can get rid of you if you don’t get rid of them.

You cannot get rid of them by your own strength and wisdom. It can be possible through 3 little but powerful steps

  1. Believe
  2. Confession
  3. Believe again

Believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior. He died for you for your redemption and has the power to forgive.

Confess your weakness, sins and flaws to Him with sincerity.

Believe again that Jesus has forgiven you and you are now new.

The rainy day is the future. If you don’t build your ark(you) then, be ready to be carried by the flood of life. Being saved saves you from teenage mistakes and regrets in the future.

You’re not too young to be saved. The earlier the better.

New life begins first with accepting Jesus.

Accept Him Now dearest!

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