A Special Ark
Inside everyone of us, God has placed a part of Himself which is expected to grow. How much of Himself He sees in us determines how far He is willing to work with and for us.
Inside everyone of us, God has placed a part of Himself which is expected to grow. How much of Himself He sees in us determines how far He is willing to work with and for us.
But these people had the greatest stories written about them, because they understood that the best story about you comes from within you.
If you do not decide what you want to be written of you, you will be forced to live what your environment will write for you.
Psalm 51: 10-12 PRAYER Father, when You made me, You made me a pure heart, a perfect example of who
Scripture: Amos 8:11-12 PRAYER Oh Lord my God, You are excellent and perfect in all Your way. Thank You for
As a human being, how much do you strive to have a good and peaceful life with people around you.
If you can’t live peaceful with good lifestyle before the human beings you’re seeing, how are you going to live such life before God whom you haven’t seen.
Scripture: Ephesians 5:9 PRAYER Righteous Father, I thank You for your grace in my life. Grace to pray, grace to
Do people change from the bad character they were known for? Oh yes, they do but the problem is men(most) hardly see these changes. Your old character conditions people’s mind of who you are consciously and unconsciously.
Have you received kindness from anyone, it could be kindness you merited or never merited? Please you can text, call or even buy a gift of appreciation. Is the person gone (dead)? Never mind, locate his/her family. God never overlooks reciprocated kindness.
Scripture: John 10:10 PRAYER Oh Lord, everything that the thief (man) has stolen, killed and destroyed in me restore and
Oh! Tessy is gone. Gone forever. Jessica could not be comforted. She recounted their last conversation and what led to it. “I killed her, I killed her” she said screaming. I didn’t pray when the urge came. I didn’t pray. I killed my sister. I killed her.
Your true friend will come to you and when he/she does, you will know it. You will not have to struggle so much on him/her. Neither will you have to bring yourself down to make the person stay. Things will come natural and easy, be it confiding in the person or having the person confide in you.
Scripture: Job 37:5 Marvelous God, You are marvelously great. My life will be useless and empty without You. I am
You know as you climb a ladder, you look up. It simply means your every step should be connected upwards (to GOD). No matter how careful you think you are you will still have to look up as you climb.
How can I pay You for all You’ve done for me and are still doing? I don’t have words and resources to really show my gratitude and even if I have them it wouldn’t be sufficient to appreciate You enough. But You see my heart with sincerity and humility I say Thank You Dear God.
Scripture: Philippians 4:13. PRAYER Thank You ever powerful Father for Your good thoughts towards me. Your Word says that I
Few months later Bella realized her mistakes. She failed to inquire from God which she should go for. She went for the convenient, better pay and famous job opportunity. Her failure to inquire from God completely failed her. She went for the greener field just to realize the green was a mirage.
The menu of the devil includes sinful entertainment, negative addictions, pride, unteachableness and many more. The devil is so stylishly tactical and deceptive. He is way smarter than you, calculates accurately, and he’s so patient.
Scripture: Hosea 14:4. PRAYER Precious and merciful Father. Thank You for Your compassion that never fails and Your mercies that
It was a crowd, maybe up to eight to tenthousand people, gathered to see and listen to Jesus. How will
To be a king, you must draw close to a king, and to be a Kingmaker, you must draw closer to the king and what better king to draw close to than the KING OF KINGS?
Scripture: Lamentation 3:25 PRAYER Heavenly Father, Hallowed be Your name. The Unchangeable Changer, that’s who You are. My soul will
Don’t sow a seed that once it germinates it cannot be uprooted. Don’t wait until they are grown to start planting. You start planting immediately you have that soil(soul). It’s not too early to plant but it can be late to plant.
Do you know how important you are? If the world was complete there wouldn’t be a ‘you’ but it wasn’t. You completed the world. God couldn’t rest until He fashioned and beautified you. Wow! You are God’s beauty.
Scripture: Psalm 24:1-2 PRAYER Father, thank You for all you have done and will do. Indeed, there is nothing You