Author name: Gracious Women

Gracious Women, TeenSpace

Who Are You To Them?

As you are examining those around you to make sure they aren’t causing your storm, examine yourself to be sure you aren’t causing their either, because, just as their actions can affect your destination, so yours can affect theirs.

Gracious Women, TeenSpace

Your Divine Order

You may be the last in your space, be it family, workplace, school, etc. But as you can see your present position in the scheme of things doesn’t really matter, what matters is your position in the alignment protocols of heavens.

Gracious Women, TeenSpace

This Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not denying or ignoring the reality of the offence; in order to forgive, you must acknowledge the hurt and negative feeling before you can let go of it. So living in denial of an offence is not really forgiveness.

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