The Devil’s Trick. Part 1

I had prepared for a particular exam during my university days, therefore sitting for the exam I knew I was going to smash it. I just wanted to fast-forward to the day of the exam so that I could be done with it. I had even scored myself with a B which was between 70-79 %.

Guess what? I wrote the exam and I felt it went very well. The result came out and to my utmost shock, I failed disgracefully. The resultant shame and bewilderment was apparent for all to see.

For days, I couldn’t believe I failed that course. I wanted to call back my papers to be re-marked but thankfully, the lecturer disclosed to everyone the reason for the mass failures in her course. And when she cleared the air I realised why I failed.

I applied for a re-sit. During the exam, I played by her rules of presentation and approach to exam questions. Guess what, I eventually obtained a B grade (which I predicted earlier).

We often hear the phrase Life Happens. This is true to some extent but also not true. There are things that we cannot control but there are things God has given us the power to control or partner with Him to control them. So even amid challenges, those things shouldn’t control us because they have no power over us.

We have downplayed the quality of Self-Examination and that’s why there is an increasing menace in the society and even in the body of Christ, the Church.

I found it hypocritical when a Christian acted surprised concerning a destructive habit that has been leading him or her to sin all the time. But as I looked further, I realized that it is not an issue of being hypocritical but the problem is that Christians have left themselves and are busy examining one another.

This attitude has done great havoc in marriages and Christian marriages are not left out.

When you fail to Self-examine yourself when you have the opportunity, you will have problems in your marriage and you will automatically blame your spouse because your focus is on them not on yourself.

Good Character and Attitude don’t happen to a man by accident, rather it is obtained by men and women who regularly Self-Examine themselves.

Knowing a man/woman who regularly self-examines is by their fruits not roots. The fruits are your character, attitude, and lifestyle. 

If you fail to sincerely and genuinely self-examine yourself and determine to be a better version of yourself the seed of immorality, unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, lying, and discord will bear destructive fruits that are capable of destroying your home and eventually reduce you to a piece of bread.

One of the ways the devil succeeds in destroying marriages is by blinding the eyes of men and women from honest and prayerful self-examination.

The next question that should come to one’s mind is how do I examine myself?

In the next article, we will carefully show you how to examine yourself which will yield great dividends and beautiful fruits for reaping.

Stay tuned.

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