All You Need to Be

A: Be all to God and Active.

B: Be Born again and Brave.

C: Be Cheerful and Courageous.

D: Be Diligent and Disciplined.

E: Be Exceptional and Evangelical.

F: Be Friendly and Focused.

G: Be Gracious and Godly.

H: Be Hardworking and Humble.

I: Be Informed and Inclusive.

J: Be Joyful and a Jewel.

K: Be Kind and Knowledgeable.

L: Be Loving and Liberal.

M: Be Meek and Merciful.

N: Be Nice and Neat.

O: Be Optimistic and Obedient.

P: Be Prayerful and Patient.

Q: Be Quiet and a Quintessence of good character.

R: Be Righteous and Renewed daily.

S: Be Spiritual and Sensitive.

T: Be Thoughtful and Thankful.

U: Be Understanding and Useful.

V: Be Vibrant and Valourous.

W: Be Wise and Willing to learn.

X: Be Xenial and Xenas.

Y: Be Youthful and Yummy.

Z: Be Zealous and Zippy.

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