A Guaranteed Relationship

Have you ever wondered why the desire, desperation, and rush for a relationship?

The desire to be in a relationship has led to the destruction of many. The cause is loneliness because it leads to depression and even kills. It kills faster than cancer.  

The best relationship to commit to is with God and anyone who contributes to your relationship with God. 

Don’t get me wrong. We have people who may not be believers of God but still bring out the goodness in us. This kind of relationship gives us the practical and emotional support we need. It could be in our career, finance, during grief, etc. As genuine children of God, He brings such people our paths and us to their path so as to affect their lives as well.

As believers, the kind of relationship we should desire and seek is way more than just physical and emotional support but must include one that can guarantee our eternal rest with God at last.

Any relationship that doesn’t give you a sense of purpose is not worth maintaining. Not everyone and anyone deserve to be in your circle. 

It’s always a privilege to be known by a dignified person, and when such a person makes you their friend, it’s an honour you will ever be loyal to and always be grateful for. You will always publicise this great friend of yours to others because it passively or actively adds to your self-worth.

Ironically, God is the greatest personality, more dignified than any dignity who knows us and desires to have a relationship with us. Unfortunately, only a few do recognise, accept and appreciate Him. We’re not even worthy of such.

If we must grow in grace, wisdom, experience mercy and favour, survive the assault of the enemy, and overcome discouragement, lukewarmness, sinful addictions, and backsliding, then we earnestly need that relationship that is capable of safely guiding and guarding us through our journey here on earth and in eternity.

Our relationship with God must not be in the past but always maintained in the present because that counts most in our walk with God.

Never forget only a relationship with God can give you the direction to your life’s purpose, self-worth, and satisfaction. Above all, it kills loneliness.

Turn to God. See Him right beside you with an open arm to embrace you. 

All you need to do is confess all your sins, accept His Love(Jesus Christ) into your life, forsake your sins and be willing to obey Him.

Relationship with God is the only ship that cannot sink. 

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