You Can do the Same

He was a great minister of the gospel of Christ in his days of flesh. He had the gifts of teaching, healing and miracle. He was a minister, a husband and a father indeed. One of his son’s had a health challenge when he was born and he grew up with it.

Whenever the health attack came upon his son, he would pray for his son until there was calmness. This continued until he was 17 years of age.

One of the times of such attack, his son ran into the room to be prayed for. While the prayer was on, God immediately spoke to the Pastor that he won’t answer the prayer. God informed the Pastor that his son is of age to come to Him(God) directly.

On hearing this information, the Pastor stopped and told his son to go and commune with God. The son was surprised and the Pastor told his son everything for clarification. His son went into his room, locked the door and prayed.

Guess what? That was the end of the health challenge till death took him at the fulfillment of his years on earth.

As a young teenager, you can have a relationship with God by yourself and you can change your ugly and traumatized situation for good. All you need to do is first come behind the cross. Jesus is the answer.

Don’t always wait to be fed rather go out like the ant and gather enough before winter.

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