No Better Way.

We all come from an origin, a place where we all start in the journey of life. This includes nationality, race, tribe, belief system, or background. In the journey of life, we are under spiritual surveillance. And we have a choice regarding which spiritual surveillance we want to be affiliated to.

If the rest of your journey must be under divine direction, protection and grace, then there is a path you must follow; THE WAY OF THE CROSS.

The Cross is the point where all roads converge. The point where all life equalises in the work of Salvation. It is where everyone makes a fresh start.

At the Cross, a significant sacrifice was made to intercept all attempts to enslave humankind by the devil. A new currency of life, the only one acceptable by God, was established. 

The Cross is the point that marks the beginning of the rest of your life.

It is where you experience rebirth by shedding off the old man(Adamic nature) and his beliefs and acquiring the nature of the new man, the nature of Christ Jesus.

This is a crucial and remarkable point in the life of any individual, and once experienced,  it is impossible to forget.

There is no Christian without the Cross, and neither is there any genuine child of God without the experience of the Cross.

So no matter what role you play for the body of Christ or society at large, if your path cannot be traced back to the Cross, your peaceful eternal destination will be diverted to the side of eternal regrets and anguish.

The cross enables you to draw from the Divine resources and become relevant to the Kingdom of God. 

The way of the Cross can take you anywhere in this world while remaining relevant to God.

You can get to anywhere you are meant to from the road of the Cross.

It is also the point where all roads diverge, but this time with a heavenly purpose and influence.

Dear friend, if you haven’t found the Cross, then make haste to do so. You will find the Cross when you seek God diligently and with sincerity. 

If the Cross doesn’t speak for you before God, then your journey is as good as non-existent before God. The Cross brings not just heaven’s benefits but, gives your life true meaning and peace. You do not want to come to the end of the race only to discover that you never really ran.  So seek Him now while He can be found.

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