The Status of the Faithful City

When we hear or come across the word sex worker, there’s a picture that immediately flashes our minds. An image of a woman in a brothel or by the roadside waiting for the next ride of her sinful partner.

We define a sex worker to be anyone who gives their bodies in exchange for pleasure, kindness, or money. 

A long time ago, when I was much younger, I watched a Christian movie. It was a movie about a dedicated and heaven-bound lady who got trapped in sin. She died in the process. And what led to her death was unknown to the church.

As this movie flashed in my mind, it resonated so much with the title of this article “the status of the faithful city .” 

Another term used for sex worker is whore. One who engages in sexual activities for an exchange of anything. It can be for pleasure, money, promotion, position, marks, etc.

As a Christian, no one wishes to be identified by a friend or a family member who is an harlot. Why? The reason is obvious…it is because of their act/lifestyle. 

Knowing someone so dear to you living this immoral and unhealthy lifestyle grieves the heart and brings shame.

Today, sexual activities have become so common even amongst so-called Christians. They engage in the act during the dating/courtship period and see it as part of checkmating compatibility. If their sexual fantasies are not met, they end the relationship and move to the next available person.

I stumbled upon a video of a so-called minister of the gospel. She was encouraging singles from the pulpit to engage in sexual activities to checkmate their would-be partners’ compatibility and performance level.

My heart bled! I ask myself, what is the difference between those who engage in such acts and the sex worker by the roadside? No difference. 

How is the faithful city become a whore? It was full of judgement, righteousness lodged in it, but now murderers.

As a city, how faithful are you?

One may be quick to conclude that they aren’t playing or living the life of a harlot. But unknown and known to them that their cities harbours all manner of harlotry acts.

Being a member of Christ entails leaving the life and activities of the world and cleaving to the life and activities of Christ. So if we say we are members of Christ but entertain and engage in lust, envy, hatred, bitterness, sedition, idolatry, immorality, strife, and their likes, then we are simply playing the harlotry lifestyle.

As disciples of Christ, we must be aware that the ultimate vision and purpose of the devil for man is destruction. For those outside the fold(Christ), he carries it swiftly without much hassle, but for those in Christ, he first deceives them as he did to Eve in the garden.

Questions to Ponder on:

  • Am I still a faithful city?
  • What have I permitted to lodge in my city?

We can make amends and reason with the Lord. He is ever willing to forgive us and restore our city to its state of righteousness, justice, and faithfulness.

May it never be said of us; this city(you) was once faithful and righteous but now unfaithful and unrighteous. 

You are a city set on a hill to shine forth, not a whore by the roadside.

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