Shame For Glory

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are “the called” according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 KJV

The purpose of this scripture is to give hope of restoration to marriages who have been bitter, broken and battered, the sick and those on the waiting list for blessings.

It is said that a closed mouth is a closed destiny. 

So many marriages today are in a messy state. Was that how it was from the beginning? Of course in the beginning it was not so. In the garden we saw a flourishing and productive union before the woman fell for the deceit of the serpent.

Many marriages are in chaos and catastrophe. The home which was meant to be welcoming has turned to a battle ground. 

Nothing seems to be working out because no one among the couple wants to take the shame of owning up to their faults and taking necessary steps of amendment. 

In the days of Jesus, God His father didn’t hesitate to put him through shame to reveal a better glory.

The sin of David the king was revealed to the prophet in order to restore him and not to undo him. 

Sometimes life’s situations tear you apart to reveal the hidden man of strength in you. 

Remember that ego doesn’t make place for shame. Only the humble can be subjected to this method of restoration. 

Do you find yourself to be in this situation? You need to open up to God and ask him to grant your home restoration even if it means subjecting you to shame. That is a prayer of sincerity. It means you’re still interested in making that marriage work.

Why not take the shame of admitting to be wrong even as the head of the family? 

Why not take the shame of going to her and saying “honey I am sorry, I was wrong. I treated you badly and I overreacted”.

As the woman, why not be humble enough to apologise to the man in all sincerity. Accept the blame and shame.

Remember that those who fall on the rock will be broken to pieces but those on whom the rock will fall, will be crushed to powder. 

God is still as interested in your home and in most cases will do anything to restore it. 

Does it look irrecoverable? 

Ask the Saviour to help you today, to restore your home in a way only He knows is possible and best. 

He is willing!

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