Now, Right Now

There will come a time when the life we have lived stares us in the face. At that time, the life you are supposed to live will also stare at you in the face. And at that time, even you will know whether you lived well or not. 

For everyone of us, there is a blueprint for what our lives were designed for. This existed even before we were born. See it like this: there is a need for something to be done and the Maker makes someone to do that thing, that someone is you.

 The implication of this is that you will be judged by God for what you did, against what you should have done. So it is good that we start right now to ask ourselves how well we are doing with the life given to us. 

Are we living in line with our reason for having a life?

 Do we even know the reason why life was given to us?

The lives of many have been terminated prematurely. Some even at and before birth. But to you dear friend, to whom life and health have been given, and whom knowledge and opportunity have been given, please do not waste them.

But enough of this, I know that you know these things already. At some point in life and learning, you would have heard about or even taught about purpose. So the issue at hand is not in the knowing but in the doing.

The first step to being on the right path is you GET KNOWLEDGE OF ALL THAT HAS BEEN WRITTEN OR SAID CONCONCERNING YOU.

The Bible must be our life partner. You can’t know yourself without knowing God. In Him, we live, move, and have our being. Only by understanding the ways of God can we understand what He expects from us. So now, RIGHT Now, pick up your Bible and allow it to teach you.

Ask God questions: God knows the way you are supposed to go. There is a path that pleases a man but the end is destruction. But Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. When you ask God, He will open your heart to follow His directions for your life.

Be very sensitive about your life. Most times, the things you go through, your burning desires, and your deep convictions usher you into your God-given paths. Never neglect or be careless about your life.

But of course, the most important message here is that you have to start with immediate effect. Time wasted can never be recovered. And you don’t want to come to the end of life only to discover that you never lived.

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