Mothers, First Influencers pt. 1

Mrs. Jane got married at the time and the way she planned to, and as well was blessed with the number of kids she prayed for. She loved her children just like every mother and her children loved her too. Soon, she was faced with the reality of the one thing she wasn’t fully prepared for. Parenting.

She found it very difficult to discipline any of her children when necessary and scolded her husband in the presence of their kids whenever they were disciplined by their father.

As nature could have it, the children began having favorites. Of course their mom was their favorite. Mr. James was no longer respected by his children but rather despised.

A few years later, the children all began to live a promiscuous life. The ladies slept around and the boys were good at stealing. At this point she tried talking to them but it was too late. During this time, her last teenage child got pregnant.

Mrs Jane died of shock due to the attitudes of her children.

Lessons Learnt:

  1. Train your children in the way they should go with love, discipline and prayer.
  2. Never disagree with your spouse in front of your children even if he is right or wrong.
  3. You can’t eat your cake and have it.
  4. What you sow you must reap.
  5. If the home is healthy, the church and society will be heaven on earth.
  6. Parenting is a big deal and a special ministry. Do not toil with it.
  7. Mothers are great influencers and the builder of the home.

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