A to E of Assessment

After long hours with colleagues, where we discussed handling emergencies, I thought deeply about the increased incidence of faulty, broken relationships with God or those relationships as good as dead. Then, I came to a realization that if we could implement the A to E assessment tool used in the medical profession, we might as well resuscitate a number of such relationships.
In an emergency situation where a victim in the field/scene or a client in the hospital needs to be resuscitated – restore life to a person, the A to E approach is adopted for immediate assessment and treatment.
The initials:
A-Airway: Check the patency of the windpipe or are there obstructions?
B-Breathing: Is the breathing sufficient?
C-Circulation: Is there adequate blood circulation?
D-Disability: What is the level of consciousness?
E-Exposure: Do you have any clue to explain the victim’s condition?

Sometimes, in our Christian journey it seems as though we are drowning and life has been drained out of us. At some point, some people feel as though they are being choked, while for some it seems the clouds are sealed with a rod of iron.
At this point prayer seems difficult, the word of God doesn’t make sense, the house of God boring, the gathering of brethren like a death circle, nothing about God moves the individual anymore. We all have been there.
2 Corinthians 13 verse 5 says that you should examine yourself, in other words assess yourself.
When that once rosy relationship with God or even humans has gone sour, then, there is a need for an assessment.
Most times our relationship with men is the reflection of our relationship with God.
Assessment Tool:
Airway: Is there still connection between you and God or is there an obstruction?
Breathing: Do you still have the ability to inhale righteousness, fruit of the Spirit, etc and exhale unrighteousness, doubt, and the fruits of the devil?
Circulation: Is there adequate flow of the life of God (blood) in you?
Disability: What is your level of consciousness to sin and wrongs?
Exposure: Do you have any clue to explain that current situation? If you have a clue then it makes it easier to solve.
Alternate Assessment Tool:
Access: Do you still have access to God and His throne?
Boldness: Are you still bold when you approach?
Consciousness: Do you still have the consciousness of His presence and opinion?
Dare: Do you still dare to be like Jesus?
Ebullience: Are you still enthusiastic about God, His word, His house and His people?
When assessment has been made and findings drawn, then the situation can be approached with the awareness of the findings.
In which case healing and restoration is not far-fetched

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