Are You In This Category? Pt. 2

I’ve seen people argue about marriage. One of their arguments bothers on if marriage is an achievement or not. Many are of the opinion that marriage isn’t an achievement while few declare it as an achievement.

As a person, notwithstanding at what age you got admitted into the University, what’s your reaction like? Or you got an appointment for a job or promotion, what’s your reaction like? It’s an achievement that comes with responsibilities.

Now we talk about marriage and you say it’s not an achievement! That’s an error. Marriage is a school that belongs to the Almighty, and He admitted you into His school, and you join the crowd of ignorant people to say it isn’t an achievement?

Marriage is an admission into a school. Marriage is a promotion from one stage called singlehood to another stage called marriage.

Nevertheless, marriage is not what validates a woman and being single shouldn’t make you feel less of a woman, because you’re not!!

Marriage is a blessing, an assignment and a ministry.

Every stage of one’s life is a blessing, and marriage is a stage that is included in this blessing. Marriage was not formed by any man but God. He is the maker, builder, beautifier and instructor of the school of marriage.

When entering into the school of marriage as a wife, enter with the oil of contentment, appreciative heart, understanding mind, graceful words, mastery in cooking, spirit of teachableness, humility, patience and constant warring in the Spirit.

Many wives enter into this school of marriage unprepared. Spiritually, emotionally and physically they are lacking. They enter with their physical beauty and status alone. Some enter with their profession and pride. Some enter with their “praying prowess” alone.

When you enter into this school unprepared, it will lead to frustration and regrets. Instead of being a wife, you’ll become a knife.

You cannot carry out your God-given assignments in marriage when your lamp has gone out because of lack of oil.

Many marriages are sinking because of pride, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, lack of communication, lack of purpose and vision, lack of understanding, selfishness, secrecy, unrealistic expectations and most importantly lack of God.

You do a huge hurt to yourself, if you fail to work on yourself and allow God to work on you before you enter this school. And more hurt to yourself when you fail to be taught in this school. You do yourself a great hurt when you compare your husband with another and greater hurt when you lack God in you or you cannot hear and obey God.

Your sole assignment as a wife is to be a helper not a header. You are to partner with the Holy Spirit in this school. When you partner with the Holy Spirit, your husband will not be able to do anything without you both spiritually and physically.

But when you make him feel his position is under a threat, he will be pushed to fight with you instead of the devil.

When you feel he isn’t fulfilling his duty/responsibility as a husband and head over you, communicate to him and pray to God rather than nag and disrespect.

Men interpret respect as love, without respect love means nothing to men.

Are you about to be admitted into this school called marriage, seek the face of God and carry oil with you and always make sure you refill your lamp with oil from time to time.

Are you already into the school and your oil is gone? Enough of who is or isn’t at fault.

Confess your hurt, disappointment and sin to God. Have a conversation with your husband. Apologize to him. If he doesn’t apologize to you, I know it’s painful but don’t worry.

Write down areas where you need to change, adjust and build.

Start a new life with God.

Start a war in the Spirit not with your husband.

Turn your nag into prayer.

Report your husband to God whenever you’re hurt rather than to a third party.

Pray for love in your heart.

Pray for God to change him for good against his own will.

Pray for love in his heart towards you.

Pray for God’s blessing upon him.

Pray for peace, understanding and unity in the home.

Be a wife to your husband and a knife to the devil.

Then watch as you enjoy every blessing in this school.

Failure to purchase oil now you have the time, will land you into outer darkness in eternity.

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