The Desired Woman

She Fears the Lord: One of the ways to begin a relationship with God is by fearing the Lord. To fear the Lord is to tremble, respect and reverence Him. The fear of the Lord makes one to depart from iniquity. You cannot be a godly woman without the fear of the Lord residing in you. Your fear of the Lord can recover the lost

She is Submissive: You can’t be rude to people and your husband and expect your kids to be submissive to you. No way! with time, you get a double dose of what you sow. A godly woman is submissive to the Lord and to her husband. When you submit to the Lord and your head, you automatically rule your household. Submission is not slavery but rather service to the Lord.

She is a Lover: God is love and love id God, Therefore, any woman is love personified. She is a lover of God, a lover of her husband, children and everyone within her reach. A godly woman does not segregate. She gathers all those around her in her bosom from where the love of God flows from her to as many as needs it.

She is a Giver: Her hands are ever opened to her family, friends and strangers. A godly woman knows that all things come from God and that the love of God requires that she shares the blessings she has received from God with those around her. Her liberality is not limited to material things alone; she offers guidance, time and prayers to those in need of it.

She is Meticulous: She is not a woman whose nose and eye is in the air, she is rather a woman who carefully observes her surrounding and society, she is careful to observe and know when things go wrong, how and from where they went wrong, and how to remedy the situation. Her gentle meticulousness helps her to observe even those who are suffering in silence and come to their rescue.

She learns Wisdom: Wisdom, as the bible says, is profitable to direct. You get wisdom only when you commit to learning it. She subjects herself to studying the Word of God and learning from the wise who are around her, or who have gone before her. She learns from her experience and that of others. She also passes that wisdom to her household.

She is patient: Patience is a virtue that is as important as life itself. Because she is a nurturer, she exercises a lot of patience, she knows that it won’t all happen in one day, so sow goodness into the life’s of people and patiently nurtures it until it comes to fruition.
She doesn’t react to every situation or information instantly but patient waits to get a full grasp of things before reacting.

She is Cheerful: This is an important trait in the desired woman. Her ambience is homely, sweet and beautiful. She spreads droplets of joy to all around her. She is made to add just another beauty to her entire household and surrounding. Her cheerfulness heals a hurting heart. Her cheerfulness flows from the river of life to those who are dying.

The desired woman wasn’t born perfect but by sincere submission to God and diligent effort to be consistent, she is shaped into a perfect image.

Therefore, you too, no matter how far you thing you have gone and how low you think you have sunk, can also become the desired woman. Only sincerely submit yourself to the Lord and He will work out in you, your perfect image.

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