Panic vs. Peace.

A lady told me how she and her colleague needed a favour from their company. Her colleague was the first to write to the HR department, but her request was declined. Her colleague panicked because of the reply she received.

A week or more before she was to make her application, she was in the presence of God when a word of knowledge in the form of prophecy went forth. According to her, the minister said, “God will change nations’ policies for your sake.” She believed, and instead of panic came soothing peace.

She applied, and the company immediately responded positively to her. She was informed that since over 30 years the company commenced, it had never done this for anybody.

Hearing this testimony gladdened my heart and proved that God always comes through for His own.

Most times, maintaining peace in the face of challenges seems so hard. But the truth remains there is always peace in challenging times. We forget to embrace peace and choose panic over peace.

The Word of God is filled with promises that address any life situation; health, career, spiritual life, marriage, finance, etc. Unfortunately, searching the scriptures is burdensome to some, making the enemy (devil) rejoice because he knows that the Word of God gives life, health, peace, and power. 

When we make the Word of God our buddy, experiencing an incredible serenity is certain. The Word of God manifests to those who believe. How can we believe it if we haven’t received the embodiment of the ‘Word.’ 

The Prince of Peace remains the giver of peace in traumatic or challenging times. He promises peace and enters into a covenant of peace with as many who have received Him. You must pursue this peace and ensure the seed of peace is watered daily. The Word of God waters and renews the peace in us.

The Word of God is the compass that will always lead us beside still waters and restore our souls.

Remember, God, promises perfect peace and not perfect circumstances because circumstances allowed by God are used as tools to refine and build us into an honoured vessel.

He said, Come unto Me, all you who labour and are heavily ladened with sorrow, stress, sickness, etc., and I will give you rest. The word rest means peace.

But before we can experience this perfect peace only God can provide, we must first accept Him. We cannot separate Peace from God. God is Peace, and Peace is God.

Are you in a traumatic or challenging situation? God’s Word remains the anchor for your peace. 

Peace is a choice; Panic is a choice. But choose Peace.

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