He Was Just 8 Years Old

Will is the capability of conscious choice, decision and intention. It is a fixed and persistent intent or purpose. It’s a legal document declaring a person’s wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die.

God has an intention(will) towards us. Jeremiah 29:11.
God’s will for every child of His is in legal, physical and spiritual document (Bible).

Knowledge is power and knowledge preserves.

Colossians 1:9, Apostle Paul had knowledge of the will of God and that was the reason for his selfless service towards God and man. He prayed for the church in Colosse that they be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
What a Prayer!

When you get filled with the knowledge of God’s will:
– You will care less of situations and circumstances around us.
– You will not be intimidated by anyone or feel inferior.
– You cannot be influenced by negativity and negative people.
– You will be focused and lead a purposeful life.
– You are fully aware of His ways.
– You are fully aware of His plans for you.
– You are fully aware of His documented will.

Josiah at 8 years old became a king. Unlike his evil grandfather, king Josiah led the people of Judah back to God. He brought about reformation in the land and returned God’s word to the land. 2nd Kings 22.

At his age he knew God’s will and his purpose in life. He deliberately decided to be different and useful to God and mankind at that tender age.

If Josiah at 8 years knew the will of God, then, you can too. Knowing the will of God at this stage of your life saves you from a whole lot of problems in the future.

Be connected to God. Get to know His plan for you especially in career and ministry. Don’t follow the crowd.

No best time to know God’s will than now.

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