A Message From Sarah.

All men are called to greatness, specifically for you if your husband is called to be a father or shepherd of a flock.

Sarah was a woman who was aware of God’s calling in her husband’s life.  He never hid it from her; I say this because God affirmed this about Abraham.  He said He trusts Abraham because he will never hide God’s message from his household (Gen 18:17-19). Except for the case of Isaac’s sacrifice. 

Sarah, therefore, knew that her husband had been called to father God’s generation of children, and while this was a call for careful life on her side, she never saw it that way. She instead allowed herself to believe that she and her husband’s lives were limited to just the two of them. She never understood that any defect/deformity accrued wouldn’t end with the two of them alone because her husband’s life had received a command to produce nations that play significant roles in shaping the world. 

She didn’t know that anything she introduced to her husband received two mandates:

  1. To multiply beyond limits.
  2. To affect or influence the world. 

Therefore when she introduced her option to her husband instead of waiting for the Lord’s plan to come to pass, she adulterated the plans of God for her family and, by extension, the world.  She introduced a destructive error into her family and, by extension, the world. 

If only Sarah knew what her family represented. If she knew they represented the world. If she knew her son represented Jesus, the Saviour,  she would have been more careful with her actions.

It is common knowledge that the generation of the seed of Hagar has a significant negative role in the current world.

So dear wife or lady in waiting, if your husband or fiancé has disclosed to you a calling from God to be a shepherd of some sort, it is by extension a call for you to be extremely careful and closer to God. 

You must know that some of the little pieces of advice you chip in from time to time have a powerful influence on the running of the Church. You must be in partnership with God to ensure that whatever impact you have on him comes from God and has His approval. You will answer for his flock almost as much as he will before God.

You must also understand that it is not for you to use that power to introduce error to the women and children looking up to you. Some people, primarily youths in the Church, always have the excuse of ‘Pastor’s wife or this leader’s wife does it, ‘ so I presume it’s not wrong. If that act is wrong, please do not be the individual they are referring to. 

You must preserve the integrity and originality of God’s calling on your husband’s life by being in partnership with God and not to adulterate it by introducing your own or being in collaboration with the devil. 

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